Radio & Sketch
American Public Media

Budget Bourbon – Nothing concentrates the budgeter's mind as nicely as a stiff drink.
Domestic Outsourcing – The boardroom comes to the bedroom in this domestic coup.
The SUV Raids – Drive an SUV? Better get a battle strategy.
Alas, Poor URL – B2B or not B2B.
Judgment Day – The long-term impact of your carbon footprint is really long, "Living on Earth"
In Search of Oil – Drilling for profit in the front-yard oil patch, "Living on Earth"
Humor in the Downturn – The silver lining around the other guy's cloud, "Morning Edition."
Usold Stuff
Smoke 'Em If You Got 'Em – Baby, it's cold outside. Especially for smokers.
Hello, CIA Public Information – Just another day at the secret spy agency's press office.
Political Skeletons – You gotta dig deep to understand some political candidates. About 6 feet deep.
Corporate Community Notification – Beware of corporate predators on the cul de sac.
The Traffic Report -- Count on Sky Copter to get you past the morning's bridge collapses and sniper fire.
Supersecret Signals Agency Goes Retail -- When couples disagree on who promised what, the NSA will sell you the file.
Wallow Scotch-- When you're facing hard time, a smooth drink helps.